Another Close Call

As much as I don’t want to relive my near brush with death experiences, I can’t help but post this one that just happened this morning. I was driving to work taking our famous 121 hway. I was just taking the side roads knowing it’s past the rush hour and will no longer be crowded. This side road for this hway is a little dangerous because of the high speed limit. So anyway, I was driving in the middle lane, and thought it was slow, so I shift to the right. A few seconds after, I saw the car in front of me stopped suddenly, and I just thought I’d rear end another car again, but I stepped on my breaks as hard as I can, my car screeched. There was a stalled car in front of probably 4-5 of us. As I was signaling to shift to the left lane, a black car was speeding so fast approaching my car. I was the last car after the stalled car. At first I didn’t panic and didn’t know the danger of my position, but I saw this high speeding car just geared over to our right climbing the 45 degree slanted pavement. I was shocked. In a way, I thank him for avoiding the crash, I would be the first to impact, and I can’t imagine what might happen. The least is that my car gets totaled, but I could have also been a victim of a major crash, with at least major injuries, who knows. When I got my thoughts and self back together, I was able to successfully shift to the left lane, when other cars slowed down. I managed to glance at the driver, just to make sure he was ok. He was just on top of the pavement. He was driving a bmw, and I’m sure he can get down fine. I was still lucky to avoid what could have been a major fatal accident.
