Stop the Madness!

I know consumerism is a necessary evil which sustains the needs of a society by providing jobs, but it does something to harm someone’s psyche, the never ending need/want to get something. So instead of finding out what’s next, or the latest gadget, or fashion, the latest craze, why don’t we all just look at what we have now. Right, at our very own closet, we see clothes, shoes that haven’t been worn, makeups, perfumes, lotions, or any other cosmetic bought months ago which have been sitting there neglected. I know that shopping gives a different kind of high that wears off once it settles in your home. But channel this energy differently by discovering what you already own, and bring it out for the world to see.

Do we also need to follow trends in terms or technology? Why do we always feel the pressure to keep up with it? I’m glad that I’m lazy to adapt to these rapid changes. My take is that these companies are creating new wants, which we didn’t have before. And why would I join the bandwagon? Maybe, just maybe when I’m one of the few that’s left behind I will join, but I’ll never be the first or the trend setter…I’ll happily be the last follower (when prices go down).

I am not saying to completely abandon shopping, but tone it down a little or maybe adapt the 1 out 1 in rule, that for every item you get, you have to toss or donate 1.

Compulsive shopping like a lousy lover is addicting, but you just got to stop the madness and decide that it does hurt you more (especially your wallet) than make you happy.
