I have been so careless several times lately. I guess when you have to do all sorts of research before purchasing items and making sure you get the best deal, sometimes you forget common sense. Exerting extra effort in finding a deal makes your purchase worth it. But too much of this would sometimes drift yourself from what's already out there, right in front of you.
So I was finding a good deal on something pricey, and I found something at half off. I browsed their website, and it looks legit plus they have sales going on, and additional discount coupon. The reviews on their website are good and convincing. So, w/o any hesitation, I went ahead and add the item to my cart and clicked the submit button. What was wrong then? Well, I forgot to read reviews outside their website and as soon as I have read them, I found out that I was duped. Their items were not real like what they claimed. I was one of the several victims that fell prey to their false advertising. My feelings went from jovial to being so down and depressed, I told myself, 'What have I done? How could I be this stupid?!'. So I immediately called them to cancel, and just as the negative reviews pointed out, they were not so good at refunding the charges. They told me it will take 5 days before I can see my refund. After 5 days, nothing,no refunds. So I called to follow up, now they said 48 hrs. I'm waiting till tomorrow to check if this is true. The only silver lining is that I used my credit card and I'm protected for purchases like this, I can file a dispute on a canceled transaction.
I'll post the othe blunder on my next post.
So I was finding a good deal on something pricey, and I found something at half off. I browsed their website, and it looks legit plus they have sales going on, and additional discount coupon. The reviews on their website are good and convincing. So, w/o any hesitation, I went ahead and add the item to my cart and clicked the submit button. What was wrong then? Well, I forgot to read reviews outside their website and as soon as I have read them, I found out that I was duped. Their items were not real like what they claimed. I was one of the several victims that fell prey to their false advertising. My feelings went from jovial to being so down and depressed, I told myself, 'What have I done? How could I be this stupid?!'. So I immediately called them to cancel, and just as the negative reviews pointed out, they were not so good at refunding the charges. They told me it will take 5 days before I can see my refund. After 5 days, nothing,no refunds. So I called to follow up, now they said 48 hrs. I'm waiting till tomorrow to check if this is true. The only silver lining is that I used my credit card and I'm protected for purchases like this, I can file a dispute on a canceled transaction.
I'll post the othe blunder on my next post.
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