Got pulled over today

So, this morning, what woke me up and started my day was that a cop pulled me over driving to work. I already had a feeling that the cop in front of me was checking my registration. I knew that after he moved to the right lane and had me drove ahead gave him the room to drive behind me and turn on his lights just as the traffic lights turned yellow. I know that I was not pulled over by beating a yellow light, although I think he's waiting for me to make some violation. I know that he checked my registration. So I parked my car in a nearby commercial area parking lot, and searched for my insurance and just when I needed it, couldn't find it. I found my expired ones, but I know they're not enough. He knocked on my window, and I opened my door, he asked if the windows don't go down, I said yes, it's broken. He asked for my id and insurance, I gave my id and told him I have insurance but couldn't find the current one. He's nice to say that he can check it if it's the same one. Just as he was checking it, I found my current ins and smilingly waive it to him, telling him I found it! He came back and told me the reason he pulled me over is that my registration has expired and I told him yeah, i sent it late. The thing is, I sent it last Feb for a Jan. 2010 due, and I got the letter the following week. Of course, I didn't open it at once, but when I did just this March found out that my payment was returned because it was late and they just asked for reason. Duh, I sent it back claiming I forgot and sent back my payment. All the while I thought my card has been on that letter. So my mistake. Glad the cop was cute and young and just told me that it was just a warning that I have nothing else to do since I already took care of it.
